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Demetrios is a full-length adventure packed with silly humor. 8 to 12 hours of fun!

Available on PC (Windows/Mac/Linux), PS4™, Xbox One, PlayStation®Vita, iOS and Android.
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UPDATE - I have removed the "subscribe to newsletter" in the section to download the demo, as it confused people who thought they might have to pay something. So, yes it is free, and you won't be getting a newsletter by doing it (unless you register on the left menu!)

Yes, that's right : I've been spending the last two days correcting bugs on the Demetrios demo in order to prepare this, and here you go! You can now try the game!

Demo preview

To get the demo version, enter your email at the top of the page. You will receive a private download link to it. (This is Windows only, for now). You will also receive the newsletter (you'll be able to unsubscribe later, if needed)

The demo contains all of Chapter 1. This is kinda big because it takes between one and two hours to finish it. I thought I may add a time limit, but figured it would probably annoy you, so... enjoy it!

NB : I know, I've saved there would be a demo much later, but I figured I needed this to start contacting the press. Wish me luck!

Demetrios™, the video game (also called "Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure") is the intellectual property of COWCAT™ GAMES.
COWCAT™ is a trademark owned by its creator, Fabrice Breton. All rights reserved, 2015.
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